Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

People, Planet, Profit (PPP) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? Whatever you want to call it, the essence is that you run a business from the heart. It means that you seek to strike a balance in everything you do for profitpeople and the planet

At Van der Valk Systemen - and its sales organisations Van der Valk Horti Systems and Van der Valk Solar Systems - we are committed to that. It is how we can contribute to building a great future for all. 

What is also important to us is that we accurately inform our business partners across the horticulture industry (Van der Valk Horti Systems) and across the solar industry (Van der Valk Solar Systems) of our efforts in this respect. On this page, we will tell you all about how we ‘run our business from the heart.’

Environmental management | ISO 14001

Paul van der Meer | Sustainability & Compliance Manager at Van der Valk Systemen
"With the ISO 14001 certification, we can demonstrate that we manufacture our products responsibly and that we take the environmental aspects correctly into account in our processes."

Collaborating with sheltered workshops | Outsourcing

Marcel van der Voort | Outsourcing Manager at Van der Valk Systemen
"It is a win-win situation. By outsourcing work to sheltered workshops, the people working there can develop further and we can focus on our core activities.”

Waste management

Robert van Veen | Facilities Manager
"Our roll packer chops up and compacts our wood waste. This has allowed us to reduce the wood transport from every ten days to around six times a year. We save money and lower our CO₂ emission."

Sustainable purchasing

Paul van Helden | Purchasing Manager
"Sustainable purchasing concerns the application of, for example, recycled plastic and aluminium, or the use of more sustainable steel, Green Steel, but also the development of products with a very long life.”

New premises

Mark van Logchem (Engineering Manager) and Paul van der Meer (Sustainability & Compliance Manager)
“When realising the new premises in Monster and ‘s-Gravenzande, we made several sustainable choices. This way, we contribute to an energy-efficient future.”