Product Update | ValkKliMax

Keep the light outside and the energy inside!

Slip blocks are essential in the operation of greenhouse screen systems. ValkKliMax offers optimal controllability and maximum effectiveness of your screen system. Whether opening or closing the screen cloth or creating moisture gaps, the innovative slip block guarantees perfect sealing in all situations.

How does ValkKliMax work?

The ValkKliMax slip block automatically adjusts to the expansion and shrinkage of the greenhouse and provides an even seal of the screen cloth everywhere. In addition, it pulls the screen cloth open to the smallest possible package and creates very even moisture gaps. This allows the crop to grow under exactly the same, optimal conditions in all areas of the greenhouse.

ValkKliMax offers energy savings, optimal light gain and an even and controllable greenhouse climate. In addition, the slip block ensures controlled forces on the greenhouse structure, which is becoming increasingly important with growing greenhouse heights, greenhouse lengths and the increasing number of screens.

How do you install ValkKliMax?

  1. Close completely: The ValkKliMax is designed to move a ValkScreenProfile back and forth. To work properly, the screen must first close 100% against the truss. Then, the pull wire must make one additional turn around the shaft (approximately 20 cm), so that all ValkScreenProfiles are neatly aligned and the screen installation is fully light- and energy-tightly closed.

If desired, after this process, the screen installation can be set up on a moisture gap to remove excess moisture. Because the ValkScreenProfile is neatly aligned, you can create an even moisture gap without energy or light loss.


  1. Open completely: The ValkScreenProfile must first press the cloth against the truss. Then, the pull wire should make one more full turn around the shaft (approximately 20 cm) to form the smallest possible screen cloth package.

For the ValkKliMax, it does not matter whether it is mounted in the upper, middle or lower screen installations. In all cases, the screen installations must be adjusted as described above. 

Curious to see how ValkKliMax works in practice? Watch the video below.

Installation video ValkKliMax

What is the strength of ValkKliMax?

  • The most powerful of its kind with 3, 6 or 9 pounds of resistance;
  • Aligns screen profiles for uniform moisture gaps or uniform heat dissipation;
  • Guarantees controlled forces on greenhouse structure;
  • Provides light gain through compact construction;
  • Several variants for maximum applicability;
  • The Slide version is easy to install via a click system.