Holding high conveniently!

This week, you will receive the sixth and final part of our six-part series on our innovative drive system ValkScreenDrive.

In this series, we each highlight one key component of the system, give you tips and share insights to optimise greenhouse performances.

Part 1 was about the ValkDriveShaft, part 2 about the ValkBearingBracket 2.0 and part 3 was about the ValkWireTensioner and the ValkWireSleeve. Part 4 was about the ValkKliMax and part 5 about the ValkReversingWheel. In this last part, we focus on the pulley: the ValkPulley.

What does the V-pulley do?

For greenhouse builders and screen installers, the V-pulley is a well-known and very useful tool. A V-pulley is used in a screen installation to catch the return wire of a pull wire screen system to prevent sagging. The pulley’s V-shaped groove holds the cable securely in place and helps with a changing direction of movement. A standard V-pulley is thus an indispensable tool in driving a screen installation. However, the ValkPulley has even more advantages than the standard V-pulley. Moreover, it’s cheaper!

What makes ValkPulley unique?

1. Always applicable

With the standard V-pulley, you need different sizes of strips for different types of trusses. The ValkPulley, on the other hand, comes standard with a profile clip that always fits.

2. Convenient mounting options

With this profile clip, you can attach the ValkPulley to the screen profile (standard) and with a truss clip (ValkTrussClip) you can attach it to the truss sleeve (optional).

3. Easy to open

The ValkPulley can be opened, which has the great advantage that removal, replacement and retrofitting are possible.

4. Cost-saving

The ValkPulley is cheaper because it requires less material. For example, the strips and S-hook are not needed with the ValkPulley.

Interested in a demo?

We would be happy to invite you to our office or visit you with the updated ValkDemoCase, in which you can see and assess all the individual components.

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